The Winner’ Chapel prophetic focus and recommended books for the month of March, 2021 as released by the Living Faith Church.
Prayer Points Altar understands that Bishop David Oyedepo who is the Founder of the Winners’ Chapel, released the prophetic focus for March 2021 as well as the books for the month.
Winners’ Prophetic Focus For The Month Of March 2021
According to the church, the Winners’ Prophetic Focus for the month of March 2021 is: ‘WHAT WISDOM IS THIS?’ and taken from Matthew 13:54.
Below is the epistle from Bishop Oyedepo about the theme of the month for March, 2021
Turnaround greetings to every Winner worldwide in the name of Jesus Christ.
I believe every one of us has received a fresh baptism of the Spirit of Wisdom in the course of the month of February and may each of us receive grace to keep building our faith from strength to strength, so we can continue to experience fulfillment of prophecies all through the days of our lives in the name of Jesus Christ.
What is the Holy Ghost saying concerning the month of March 2021?
As we all know, we are in the last days where the Mountain of the House of the Lord shall be established on the top of the mountains and shall be exalted above the hills and many Nations shall flow unto it.
We are in the latter days where God is out, building the latter house whose glory shall be greater than the former.
We are in the last days where God’s people shall begin to build the old waste and raise the former desolations. But according to scriptures, through wisdom is a house built and by understanding it is established.
This implies we are in the era of the manifestation of the manifold wisdom of God in the Body of Christ today. As it is written, to the intent that now on to the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the Church the manifold wisdom of God according to the eternal purpose which He purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord.
There shall be a strong wave of the Spirit of wisdom blowing across the Body of Christ like never before in history, with undeniable proofs in building great institutions across the Nations of the earth.
These institutions shall include mega Church buildings like high places, educational institutions, health care infrastructures and great industries etc.
According to Biblical prophecy, the order of wisdom we are talking about cannot be found in the land of the living neither can it be acquired in any institution of learning because it is from above and shall be above all intellectual realms of wisdom that even destruction and death shall bow to its authority.
This shall culminate in the dominion of the saints over all the affairs of life through amazing discoveries in creating solutions to real life problems and many more.
The world around us shall begin to exclaim, “What wisdom is this that is given unto them that such mighty works are wrought by their hands?”
Therefore, the Prophetic Focus for the month of March 2021 is, ‘WHAT WISDOM IS THIS?’ Matthew 13:54.
Recommended Books for the Month(March 2021)
Winning Wisdom
Walking in Wisdom
The Wisdom that Works
Creating a New Beginning by Bishop David Abioye