
RCCG November 2020 Fasting Prayer Points – Day10, Thursday 12th

The RCCG November 2020 fasting prayer points and guide for Day 10 of the annual programme, Thursday, November 12th.

RCCG 2020 November Fasting Prayer Guide PDF

All information fo the RCCG 2020 fasting and prayer programme has been posted here. The PDF of the prayer points for the 30-day prayer programme is also there.

RCCG November 2020 Fasting Prayer Points Today Thursday 12th – Day 10

Here are the prayer points and Bible verses for Day 10 of the November 2020 RCCG fasting and prayer programme as released by the church:

BIBLE TEXT(S): PSALMS 95,107:23, JOHN 16:5-15. DEUT 8:18,
The power and influence of a nation depend on her business and economy and
education and health.These are the driver of a sound economy.These sectors
determine the strength of a nation. God is interested in prosperity of nations.
1. Father we thank you for the economy of our nation in Jesus name.
2. Father, thank you for being in control of the economy and businesses of
our nation in Jesus name
3. Father, we thank you for the level our educational standard has reached
now in Jesus name
4. Father, thank you for giving us room for improvement in our education
system in Jesus name
5. Father deliver us from all forms of evil and unrighteousness in business
life in Jesus name. Lev. 19:35-37.
6. Father help the economy and businesses in our nation to be done in
righteousness in Jesus name. Prov 14:34
7. Father, help our nation to put you first in my business lives in Jesus name.
1 Kings 17:15.
8. Father, give our leaders the wisdom to trust you, not to lean on their own
understanding in their business pursuits in Jesus name Prov. 3:5-6.
9. Father,don’t allow us to be greedy in business, help us to honour you with
our substance. Mal. 3:10
10. Father, it does not matter what the economy of the world may say; make
a way for Nigeria economy in Jesus name. Isa. 43:19.
11. Father, please release unto us as a nation every idea we needed to
advance in global business in the name of Jesus. Det. 8:18.
12. Father, by your mercy restore the economy of our nation in Jesus name
13. Father, please make learning environments in our nation conducive for
our children to study in Jesus name.
14. Father, l pray that schools should fulfil their duty of teaching children
what they are supposed to teach them in Jesus name. Deut 5:1
15. Father, help the teachers to be able to balance mercy and discipline in
the right way in Jesus name.
16. Father, help all parents to provide adequately for their children
educational needs to enable the children to study without distraction.
17. Father, teach them by yourself that they will have the fear of the Lord in
their heart in Jesus name Isa. 54:13.
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18. Father, let our educational institution teach the student love and respect
in Jesus name. 1 John 2:15-17.
19. Father, we thank you for the opportunities of learning in your household
to rightly divide the word of truth 2 Tim. 2:15.
20. Father, please help the teachers to teach with love and cloth them with
wisdom and understanding in Jesus Name.

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