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How To Start Christian Blog: A Simple Guide Plus Profitable Niches 2024

Starting a Christian blog in Nigeria just like every part of the world is one of the surest ways to share God’s word. It is a ministry as Christian Blogging presents a veritable platform to reach out to millions with the gospel of Christ from a small place.

How to start a Christian blog

Starting a Christian blog involves several steps and layers of thinking.  Typically, before starting a Christian blog, you must ensure you have a calling to reach the world via writing.

Here is how to start a Christian blog: 

  1. Pick a niche
  2. Get domain  and  hosting
  3. Design and customize your blog
  4. Start publishing

How to start a Christian blog for free

You can start up a Christian blog for free using Blogger owned by Google. Although there are limitations, it is a good place to start.

WordPress also offers a chance to set up a Christian blog for free just like Blogger!

Why Set up a Christian Blog?

For many, starting a Christian blog is an opportunity to showcase their writing skills. Others see it as beyond writing and is an avenue for them to reach out with the Gospel of Christ to others. 

For you, it could be a means to journal your life struggles or journey as a Christian.

Whatever reason it is for you, starting a Christian blog as earlier noted is a veritable tool to reach out to nations of the world.

The following are the things to consider before starting a Christian blog:

How To Choose a Christian Blogging Niche 

It is important to pick a niche or area of focus before starting a Christian blog. This is because, at the start of the Christian blogging journey, it is not advisable to generally blog about everything in Christianity.

At the start of the blogging journey, a Christian blogger is still inexperienced, and blogging about the general Christian life might be a bit cumbersome.

Aside from being cumbersome and likely going to wear you out,  a general Christian blog may confuse your audience, making it impossible for them to understand what your blog is all about.

I understand also that many young or upcoming Christian bloggers find it difficult to pin a particular niche or area of Focus when starting.  

You have different passions, many ideas are running in your head and you just want the world to know what you are thinking about.  It’s ok! I understand that perfectly.

However, I will advise and encourage anyone who wants to start a Christian blog to have a niche. 

If you’re finding it difficult or hard to pick a niche, why not go to God in prayer; tell him you want to start a Christian blog but you don’t know which area to focus on. After all, it is His work you are set out to do and I believe that he will tell you what to do or where to focus on.

At other times, you might want to share your own experience or blog about where you are deeply experienced.

For instance, a Christian accountant can decide to start sharing tips on Christian finance. A young Christian athlete or sportsman may open up a blog to encourage fellow Christian athletes.

If you are a Christian mum; and you have children; you could open up a blog to talk about raising children in a Christian or godly way; I mean the list is endless.

The beauty of it all is that you can combine two or three related areas and pay attention to them as a Christian blogger in Nigeria.

starting christian blog

Profitable Christian Blogging Niches 

What are the most popular Christian blog topics? What is the most profitable niche for a Christian blogger?

So, if you have made up your mind and you are looking for some Christian blogging late I will go ahead and list some of the most popular areas of focus as seen below

Christian Dating/Relationship

Christian dating or relationship niche is one of the most sought-after blogging areas.  There are millions of Christians scattered around the world who want to have a godly relationship and are looking for the right advice on the internet.

 If you start a Christian dating or relationship blog, you will be advising on areas such as relationship tips; sexual purity; managing emotions; and dealing with peer pressure, to name a few. 

Although it is important at this point that you have a background in counseling or you are a relationship expert, if you are led to start your Christian blogging journey in the dating or relationship niche, you can never go wrong because there are millions of Christians in need of godly advice to take their relationship to the next level; that is where you come in 

Christian news blog

A Christian news blog is basically where you can share news about events and many others on Christianity.

This however requires that you post news and stories every other day. If you have a background in journalism or the media, it might be a good Christian blogging niche to pitch your tent

Christian music/ gospel music

Another Christian blogging niche you can consider is music or gospel songs. Thousands of people search for lyrics to gospel songs and want a recommendation of the best gospel songs they can use while working out, exercising, and even when they have difficulties in life.

You can do a post detailing some interesting songs that believers could listen to stay on their feet when they are weary and their faith is shaking.

A Christian blogging niche in this area; that is gospel music; could also go historical by telling the stories of great gospel musicians and the impact their songs made in Christendom.


As a Christian blogging niche, the evangelism area is basically set up to draw people to God; here you can share salvation messages; you can tell about the great works of missionaries scattered all over the world trying to win souls for Christ. Although every Christian blog should be a tool of evangelism, the core focus of an evangelism blog is to go deeper than the usual Christian blog

Daily Christian living

Every day, Christians face issues in their life and daily Christian living blogging is one that offers practical examples of how a Believer can live successfully in the world; tells people about how to manage their time; how to have a work-life balance, and generally how to live out the Christian life daily; you will have to be vulnerable and at some point and share your own stories and struggles in certain areas of life.

You can even talk about addictions and how to break free from them that can even be another Christian blogging niche entirely but let’s leave it at that here!

Youths/Teenagers Blog

Youth is riddled with many issues and temptations and is a period where young people are finding themselves. So, if you are called into the youth ministry, starting a youth or teenage blog is a good way to draw these young people to God, share with them how they can overcome peer pressure; how to excel in their academics and fight off; the many challenges of youth and being a teenager in an ever-changing world!

Children Blog

The Bible says that children are a heritage of the Lord. A veritable Christian blogging niche is one centered around children.  If you are a children’s teacher in your church, it could be that God is calling you to start up a blog in this niche. There are many children on the internet and even their parents could find useful tips on how they can groom these young ones to become better youths and ultimately adults!

Christian Parenting

The Christian parenting blog is almost similar to the children’s blog. However, for parents, you could use this as a platform to share your stories generally on parenting and raising children in a godly way. 

The Christian parenting blog is one of the most profitable blogging niches you can find around.

Christian Daily Devotion

You can start a daily Christian devotional blog if you have been convinced to do so. Post devotionals daily and it could be the Open Heavens or Daily Manna on the net if you can do it. 

Bible Study

Another Christian blog niche you can focus on is Bible Study; if you have a calling to teach and share the world, a Bible study blog would not be out of place!

How To Find Christian Blog Topics 2024

How can you find your Christian blog topics after you have chosen a blog niche? It sounds like a big question, isn’t it? 

It is but here I will share four ways you can get your Christian blogging topics once you have chosen the spiritual niche to focus on.

Quora: You can use Quora to find Christian blogging topics for 2020. All you need to do is visit the website, look for questions Christians are asking, curate and create content around them, and publish.

Google keyword planner:  If you have a Google account, head over to the Google keyword planner and type phrases related to your Christian blogging niche. Different keywords or related phrases will pop up once you type a word into the keyword planner. Collect these phrases especially when they have a high search volume and write a post about them in your Christian blog depending on your needs.

Audience question:  You can get Christian blog topic ideas from comments or questions asked by your readers!

How Do Christian Bloggers Make Money?

Do not feel guilty as a Christian blogger that you want to make money off your passion.  It is generally not a bad idea for a Christian brother to make money. You have to pay for hosting and all other expenses.

However, making money from a Christian blog shouldn’t override the main reason for setting up a spiritual blog which is to reach out to the world with the Gospel of Christ.

There are several ways a Christian blogger can make money and build a profitable venture in furtherance of the kingdom of God

Affiliate marketing

There are several affiliate marketing programs a Christian blogger can hop into to make money while sharing the word of God. 

These affiliate marketing programs for Christian bloggers pay a certain percentage of commission to those in their affiliate programs 

You have the Amazon affiliate program and a host of others.  Many website hosting companies have affiliate programs. So, you don’t need to go far to get an affiliate or program to join.


Google Adsense has over time, proven to be one of the quickest ways to monetize a blog. The Christian blogger can make money and profit with AdSense.  It is the easiest way to monetize a Christian blog. Once you have original content, create your about page; and your policy  page and have  a good number of such content, you can apply and get Google Adsense approved without many issues 

Selling products/courses/Services

As a Christian blogger, you can also make money or monetize your blog by selling products, services, or even courses.

You can sell branded or customized products, books, and many others!


Custom ads are another way a Christian blogger can make money. Being that a Christian blog is highly targeted at believers, Christian organizations or can reach out to you customized adverts.

Guest posting/blogging 

A Christian blogger can also be paid for a sponsored post which could be from individuals; another blogger, an organization or just any other person. 

The list is endless but the idea is that a Christian blogger should be able to make money except as a matter of policy that you don’t want to monetize your blog.

It is never unbiblical to profit from your skills and passion 

Starting A Christian Blog

While there are many blog niches to work on and there is the temptation to do everything, I would advise you to pick a blog niche and focus on it. Like, I have mentioned, the Christian blogging niche is quite lucrative and is something you should pay attention to if you are a believer. I  have taken my time to explain how you can do that and the different ways monetization can come to the site. All you just need to do is to take action and the sky is your starting point.

So, If you have learned much from this post about starting a Christian blog or ministry website, kindly share it with others! Remember that Christian blogging is a ministry and a calling! If you have any questions, kindly use the comment box and I will be there to reply to you. Congrats on your blogging journey.

One comment

  1. Hmmm…This is very inspiring. I already have a blog topic of my own. Pray to start very soon as I wait on God for direction and inspiration to turn lives around as a Christian blogger. Thanx a lot for this eye opener write up. Be blessed.

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