The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) November 2019 prayer points for Day 27, Wednesday, is on natural disaster.
Prayer Points Altar learned that such natural disasters could be earthquakes, flooding, tsunami etc.
The RCCG November 2019 fasting prayer points fr Day 27 also have accompanying verses of the bible
RCCG Day 27 November 2019 Fasting Prayer Points
Below is the Day 27 of the RCCG November 2019 fasting prayer points with verses of the Bible:
- Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me. Bless His Holy Name. Psa 103: 1
- Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul
- Thank God for His goodness and mercy over your life and family members,
- Father, have mercy upon your people; deliver us from the increasing wave of natural disasters, in Jesus name. Psa 57:1
- Father, repent from the disaster that you spoke of, bringing to us because of our iniquities. Exo 32:14
- Father, we humble ourselves and seek Your face, please hear us from heaven, heal our land and deliver us from the sorrow of natural disasters in Jesus name. 2 Chro 7:13-14
- Father; have mercy on us and forgive us for every form of idolatry in any way we have served and worship other gods in Jesus name. 2 Chro 7:22
- Father hear us and save us from impending disaster and even the ones that have already happened which have led to food crises all over Africa, in Jesus name.2 Chro 20:9
- Father; stop the way of the wicked and bring disaster upon our enemies who seek to destroy us for no cause in Jesus name. 2 Chro 34:24
- Father, give us listening ears to your instructions so that we can dwell safely and secure in our nation in Jesus name. Prov 1:33
- Father, remember your word in Jer 2:3 and bring disaster upon those killing your children in our lands in Jesus name.
- Father; deliver our nation, do not let the errors of our leaders bring disasters upon us in Jesus name. Eze 7:26
- Father in the days of Jonah, you had mercy on the people of Nineveh; please have mercy on us too in Jesus name. Jonah 3:6-10
- Father, by your mercy, let there be no more disaster of any kind for the rest of the year in Jesus name
- Father, remember your promise never to destroy the whole earth with a flood again in Jesus name. Gen 8:20-22