Prayers For Marriage Restoration - prayer-for-broken-relationship

38 Miracle Prayers For Marriage Restoration With Scriptures

Prayers for marriage restoration are important for those whose unions are struggling to stay up. God is the originator of wedlock, so expect Him to come through for you and your spouse. 

For those whose marriages are dead, it is also essential you take to prayers, asking God for restoration.

God wants your marriage to be beautiful.  He is the originator of marriages and so wants you to enjoy yours.

Marriage restoration prayers are a must for anyone who seeks a blissful union if there is turbulence. God wants your marriage to succeed and is always happy to see you smile in your union.

Why a broken marriage?

No one wants a broken marriage.  Everyone goes into marriage looking out for the best. In terms of the causes of broken marriages, many things are responsible.

One of them is infidelity which hugely affects many marriages. Health issues, financial challenges, and other reasons also contribute equally to making marriages unworkable. 

Miracle and Emergency Prayers for Marriage Restoration 

Prayers For Marriage Restoration - prayer-for-broken-relationship


Now that we have seen some of the causes of struggling marriages, the next step is to go to God in prayers. He is an expert in restoration no matter how far you may have gone. It does not matter how many years the separation or issues may have lasted, God will bring forth His peace.

Below are some miracle and emergency prayers for marriage restoration:

1. Father, I come before You today to pray about my marriage. I ask that Your peace will reign in it in the name of Jesus.

  1. Holy Ghost, come into my home, bring forth Your peace into it in the name of Jesus. 
  2. Father, I ask for the restoration of my marriage so I and my spouse can come back together in the name of Jesus.
  3. Oh Lord, I pray for my marriage. I decree peace to reign. 

Prayer for Marriage Under Attack 

  1. Father in the name of Jesus, I come against every power of darkness working against my marriage.
  2. I decree restoration of my marriage in the name of Jesus.
  3. Oh Lord, my God, I pray that every power of darkness working against my marriage, their plan shall not come to pass in the name of Jesus.
  4. Lord Almighty. I ask for Your wisdom, understanding, and insight to work toward my marriage restoration in the name of Jesus. 
  5. Every pride and element of jealousy that is in me and working against my marriage, today, I come against it in the name of Jesus.
  6. Lord, I pray in Your name that You will help me reconcile with my spouse.
  7. Father this is another rough edge in my marriage and I ask You to show up for us in the name of Jesus. 
  8. As we go through this valley as spouses, Father, let there be help from above. Hold us together in Your power in the name of Jesus. 
  9. I neutralise all sorts of powers set to confuse my union in the name of Jesus! 
  10. Lord, my marriage is under attack. I am running to You, therefore, for shelter. Come to our rescue, Oh heavenly Father.
  11. As the enemy wants to throw darts into my marriage, I speak as Your child and decree peace over my troubled marriage in the name of Jesus.
  12. Dear Lord, at this trying time in our marriage, I ask for strength to pull through. Help me, Lord, to continue staying strong and not give up in the name of Jesus.
  13. I decree that my marriage shall stand and won’t crumble under the attack of the evil one in the name of Jesus.

War Room prayers for marriage restoration

Prayers For Marriage Restoration - prayer-for-broken-relationship

These are war room prayers for marriage restoration:

18. In these trying times, I run to You, Lord. Help me to navigate this troubled period in my marriage in the name of Jesus.

19. Father, I pray for wisdom upon my spouse as we go through this rough edge. Help us in Your might to pull through these challenges in the name of Jesus.

20. Almighty God in heaven, release Your peace upon this marriage. Let every storm stop in the name of Jesus.

21. I pray for my marriage, as always, to grant my spouse and me the understanding needed to work as one entity in the name of Jesus.

22. Father, help me to cherish and love my spouse the more in the name of Jesus.

23. By Your power, Lord, cause a shift for the better in the name of Jesus.

24. Every evil counsel of the enemy concerning my marriage shall not stand in the name of Jesus.

25. Oh Lord, remove us from every evil connection fueling hatred in my marriage in the name of Jesus.

26. My God, grant unto me that wisdom to glean knowledge from the right source to work in my marriage in the name of Jesus.

Prayer to Save Marriage From Divorce

Prayers For Marriage Restoration - prayer-for-broken-relationship

At a certain point, the crisis in a marriage may have gone too far. At that point, you may have to offer a prayer to save your marriage from divorce.

This is because going through a divorce is a difficult phase in any marriage. No one prays for that but irrespective of the situation, God can intervene and save your marriage from divorce.

Here are some prayers to save marriage from divorce:

27. As You have joined us as one entity, I pray at this time that You help us not to be separated in the name of Jesus.

28. My spouse and I are on the path of divorce, Lord, I ask that You come through for us; intervene, and return us together in the name of Jesus.

29. Lord, satan wants to scatter my marriage. I, therefore, call for Your help! Show up for me, Oh Lord, save my union from collapse in the name of Jesus.

30. Infuse Your love afresh in my marriage. Let there be a turnaround concerning my spouse and me in the name of Jesus.

Miracle Prayer to Bring Husband Back

There are other times that one’s husband may have gone and not return home. It could be that he is with another woman or has refused to get back to the wife, leaving her and the children alone.

But there is a solution to that! This part of the post will be about a miracle prayer to bring your husband back home.

Below are some dangerous prayers to get your husband back:

31. Dear Lord, I come before You in prayers. I ask that You touch my husband wherever he is right now to return to me in the name of Jesus.

32. Father, every blindfold that has made my husband forget about his family, I come against such in the name of Jesus.

33. Dear God, today, I bring my husband under Your authority. Help him to rediscover his mistakes and retrace his steps home in the name of Jesus.

34. Heavenly Lord, let every force of darkness fighting against my husband, trying to take him away from me be rendered powerless in the name of Jesus.

35. I lose my spouse from the loins of every strong woman in the name of Jesus.

36. I pray for my husband! Today, I ask that he longs to see me in the name of Jesus.

37.  In the name of Jesus, I disengage my husband from every unfriendly friend giving him advice against returning home

38. My husband shall not work in error and he is restored to me in the name of Jesus.

Scripture for Marriage Restoration

Prayers For Marriage Restoration

Here are some scriptures to pray with if your marriage is struggling and you want a restoration or a strengthening:

1. “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer” – Romans 12:12 [ESV]

2. “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.”  – Ephesians 4:32 [ESV]

3. “Finally, brothers, rejoice. Aim for restoration, comfort one another, agree with one another, live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you.” – 2 Corinthians 13:11 [ESV]

Emergency Prayers for Marriage Restoration

Now, every point noted in this post is to be used at all times when there is a struggle in the marriage. They are emergency prayers for marriage restoration. God does not want broken homes and marriages but wants His people to reconcile.

So, these prayers for broken marriage are to help you restore that struggling union, trusting in God.

Share with friends and loved ones. if you have people whose marriages are also having difficulties, don’t forget to use these prayers for them. Thanks!

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